Animals In Dreams

Living Parables

From Aesop's Fables to the Proverbs of Solomon to the Parables of Jesus to modern Cartoons on PBS, Animals have always have had place in teaching stories to both Children and Adults. Spiritually we are all children and Animals continue to be the simplest natural and observable means to convey a spiritual message or idea. 

They are Living Parables given by their Creator / our Creator to teach us humans 

(as Priests on the Earth) 

about the Spiritual World. 

What we Can See is used to teach us about what we Cannot See.

""Go to the ant, you slacker—

consider its ways and be wise!

It has no commander,

no overseer or ruler.

Yet it prepares its provisions in summer

and gathers its food at harvest." 

The Proverbs of King Solomon

Chapter 6 Verse 6

Tree of Life Version

Positive Associations

Snakes can be highly contextual. In many cultures such as many First Nations Peoples, a serpent is a symbol of Wisdom, Cunning or Shrewdness.  As serpents also are in the Scriptures.

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep 

in the midst of wolves, 

so be wise as serpents 

and innocent as doves. " 

Yeshua The Redeemer

The Good News As 

Shared By Matthew

Chapter 10 Verse 16

Tree of Life Version 

Negative Associations

Lion can be used as a mimic. The Destroyer goes about AS a Lion, but he isn't one. He just imitates the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Think Scar and Mufasa and Simba in Lion King? 

Recommended Video Resources 

On Understanding Animals In Dreams


Dream Element

Streams Ministries

The Way Of The Eagle

Ron Phillips

Abba's House

Animals In Dreams

Dreamipedia John Paul Jackson

Eggs In Dreams

Dream Interpretation

John Paul Jackson

Horses In Dreams

Streams Ministries

White Owls

Prophets Who 

See In The Dark

Kris Volloton 

The Snake Of Genesis 

Dr. Michael Heiser

Snakes In Dreams

Recie Saunders

Turtles In Dreams

Recie Saunders

Killing Lions

Sam Eldredge

Written Resources To Help With 

Understanding Animals In Dreams 

Dream Elements

By John E. Thomas

Animal Farm

By Orson Wells

Inside The Secret World Of Animals 


The Smithsonian

Pigs In The Parlor

A Practical Guide To Deliverance

By Frank And Ida Mae Hammond