What Makes Pro-Nomian 

(For The Instructions) Theology 

Different From

Different From A-Nomian

 (Without The Instructions) Theology? 

(Theology is the Study of The Creator's Relationship To His Creation)

Creator's Diet

Pro-Nomian Theology embraces the Eternal Nature of The Creator's Instructions about Food.

The Creator provided all of mankind with insights on His Creatures that He created to be both offerings to Himself and also food for Mankind. These insights let Mankind know which creatures would bring harm to them if eaten due to their function and relationship with death (predators, scavengers, bottom feeders and filter feeders). 

 He also designed the outward appearance of these creatures to let mankind know if they were meant for human food or for other purposes.  

The insights provided by The Creator through Solomon in His Book of Wisdom also instructed mankind on which plant and animal products would harm mankind if not used in moderation instead of being strictly forbidden. These included eating too much sugar, drinking too much wine, cosmetics, overeating and consuming raw meats. 

The most important of these Instructions was the Creator's absolute prohibition on drinking or eating the blood as it contains the sacred soul of the creature, which belongs to it's Creator. Aside from preventing both physical and spiritual cruelty to animals, the ruling against drinking blood also prevented epidemics. The blood also carries the viruses that cause diseases such as Avian Flu if humans drink it.

Drinking blood was often done in the worship of demons and fallen angels and used to attract these entities to inhabit the drinker, along with crossing sexual boundaries. The Ambassadors of Yeshua sent those Grafted In from the Nations to the Synagogue to hear The Creator's Instructions read every Sabbath. As these were also the guidelines Judah used for allowing entrance to the Synagogue.

T"herefore, I judge not to trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God—  but to write to them to abstain from the contamination of idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what is strangled, and from blood.  For Moses from ancient generations has had in every city those who proclaim him, since he is read in all the synagogues every Shabbat.” 

Acts of the Ambassadors of Yeshua

Chapter 15 Verse 19

Tree of Life Version

Creator's Festivals

Pro-Nomian Theology embraces the Eternal Nature of The Creator's Instructions about Time.

The Creator provided all of mankind with 7 Festivals that all honor, celebrate and memorialize an event in the Redemption of Mankind in The Beginning. 

The Passover remembers the Redeemer giving His Own Lift so we can Live.

Unleavened Bread remembers His Burial so we can rise from the Grave ourselves.

First-Fruits remembers His Resurrection to be the First Born of the New Humanity.

Pentecost celebrates the Giving of the Divine Law for our guidance and protection and also His Spirit to give us the ability to live by His Instructions in Love.

The Feast of Trumpets is the Coronation of Kings and looks forward to His Unveiling to Mankind.

The Day Of Atonement looks forward to the final removal of Evil from the Earth and the conquering of Light and Love and Truth over the Darkness and Hate and Deception that has oppressed all humanity. 

The Feast of Tabernacles looks forward to Mankind once again dwelling with The Creator in Peace. The shelters (Tabernacles) built also humbles us and teaches us to be mindful of the unhoused and the poor.

They were celebrated by the Redeemer and His 12 Ambassadors to all the Nations of the World.

"Get rid of the old hametz, so you may be a new batch, just as you are unleavened—for Messiah, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the feast not with old hametz, the hametz of malice and wickedness, 

but with unleavened bread—

 matzah of sincerity and truth. "

1st Letter To The Congregation in Corinth, Greece

Chapter 5 Verse 7

Tree of Life Version

They will also be celebrated by All of Mankind once the World is Redeemed by it's Right and Just Ruler (Yeshua).

Creator's Rest

Pro-Nomian Theology embraces the Eternal Nature of The Creator's Instructions about Rest. It is the weekly reminder that He is the source of all that is Good and He is their Creator. 

The Sabbath was created the very first day after Mankind was created. The Sabbath (The Sacred Rest) is an Inalienable Right of every human that allows each person to learn about their Creator and to spend time with their Creator. 

This time allows gives them the opportunity to protect their physical health through Physical Rest (Shabbat) and also to protect their spiritual health through Spiritual Rest (Shalom). This Shalom is brought by connecting with the source of Light and Life and Truth.  

This Sacred 7th Day protects time with their family and friends and children and was the first Worker's Rights or Labor Law ever recorded in all of recorded History.

“Remember Yom Shabbat, to keep it holy. You are to work six days, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Shabbat to Adonai your God. In it you shall not do any work—not you, nor your son, your daughter, your male servant, your female servant, your cattle, nor the outsider that is within your gates. For in six days Adonai made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Thus Adonai blessed Yom Shabbat, and made it holy. "

The Exodus 

Chapter 20 Verse

Tree of Life Version

Instructions From


The Tabernacle

Cain and Abel , who fought the first War (a Civil War), knew which animals could be offerings in The Beginning and so did Noah went he took 7 pairs of animals that could be used for offerings and human consumption on the Ark (as many offerings were eaten by the Priest or the one offering it to fellowship with The Creator and reflect on the consequences of separation). After the Flood there seemed to be allowance for the survival of mankind in times of absolute disaster.

The Festivals were created before Mankind was created and thousands of years before the first of Judah was born and even longer before Moses was even born to remind The Creator's Priests upon the Earth of the details for the Feasts. 

They were given during Creation Week and marked by the Moon and the Stars (a calendar in the sky that can be seen by all the Nations of mankind).

The Hebrew word for Season here is "Moed" describing a Sacred Time, as seasons like Winter did not yet exist in an Unfallen World when Creation had not yet tasted any season of death. 

Instructions For 


The New Jerusalem 

The Present Age

Recommended Written Resources 

On Pro-Nomian Theology

When Faith Works: Living Out The Law Of Liberty According To James

David Wilber

A Christian Guide To The Biblical Feasts

David Wilber

Remember The Sabbath: 

What The New Testaments Says About Sabbath Observance For Christians

David Wilber

How Jesus Fulfilled The Law:

A Pro-Nomian 

Pocket Guide

David Wilber

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Pro-Nomian Theology?

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